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Taking a short break

Loyal readers and new ones... 

Thank you for being a part of this blog for over 20 years now! 

Yup Daily, or almost daily, posts for 20 years.

I'm taking a break! 

Sort of...

We are moving from one home to another, and relocating the client services to another location as well. 

Dave and I should have completed this transition by June 1st but a lot will still be going on the first few months as we settle in. 

As such =  over the next few weeks there will be fewer new posts ...but Dave and I encourage you to scroll through the 20 years of archives here on this blog and the 3 years of archives on Dave's blog.  

If you are looking for a specific topic - use the search box. on either of our 2 blogs, to call up related posts. Find the links to our 7 published books (so far) on the sidebar of this page. There are links there for the YouTube Channel and both blogs. Feel free to explore :)


Feel free to keep in contact with us, but please understand there will likely be communication delays during this time of transition. 
