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Recommended Resources

The Recommended Resources series has been published on this blog since we transferred it from the Brummet's Muse biweekly newsletter that ran for 6 years or so, many years ago. When we closed it down, we decided that we just had to continue this series here on this blog and have been doing so now for nearly 2 decades.

With this series, Dave and I have the pleasure of sharing some great resources which can include 
- positive impact organizations and events
- citizen science projects 
- links to helpful articles, amazing resources & exciting interviews

It would, of course, be fantastic if you see a way to connect with them, thank them for their work, network with them, share the sites or get involved in some way.

** Want to see a non-profit listed here? - Send us a FaceBook or LinkedIn message.

Pets for Life Society Alberta: This charitable, non-profit supports quality of life for companion animals including finding homes, helping with spay/neuter programs and more. 

The Pilots & Paws non-profit organization works hard to save the lives of innocent animals. Visit the website to learn more or to become a volunteer pilot and offer transportation to animals in need of assistance.

Planet in Focus hosts the International Environmental Film Festival that is held in October. They work in collaboration with many large organizations including the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Green Film Network, Ontario Environment Network and Toronto Arts Council. This is not simply another organization that enables artists to network and get their work out to a large audience, this organization focuses on the environment. The organization aims to "the use of film and video as a catalyst for public awareness, discussion and appropriate action and positive change on the ecological and social health of the planet". 


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