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Compassionate Marketing

Compassionate Marketing 

I was asked to take the time on our blog to explain the term Compassionate Marketing.

This take on marketing focuses on growing the consumer's trust and loyalty to a particular brand or product based on the kindness, honesty, and how hard it works to help consumers by prioritizing education. 

Companies that embrace Compassionate Marketing will also prioritize the health, addiction, domestic, financial issues re: people within their circles, and within their community - from employees to people they network with. 

These companies work hard to reduce the cold, calculating paintbrush stigma that businesses are often painted by. 

They show empathy for what people are going through, they focus on everyday experience rather than numbers and sales data. 

Their purchasing habits will reflect this by ensuring the items are free-trade, ethically produced, sustainable and produced by a company that focuses on health and equality for their employees. This means that the employees are treated equally, that they work in a healthy environment, and that they are paid fairly.

They will reflect this policy in the non-profit and community organizations that they support or volunteer in.

They will reflect this in the decisions of who they will hire or network with, too.  

Companies that practice Compassionate Marketing are more concerned with kindness, ethics and honesty and pay less attention to financial gain and data. They are concerned with what their community, contacts and employees need, over how much monetary gain they attained that week. 

They take great pains to communicate these efforts to the public so that people are more aware and will want to support them by becoming customers. The company's advertising and communications will reflect their understanding and express empathy for what the public (or individual) is going through, the challenges the client is facing or the stress the customers endure. They will take great pains to call each customer and each client by name. They will find ways to reach out and find out how their contacts are doing, they will produce surveys to keep up with the current need and they will make each contact feel valued.
