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Showing posts from September, 2024

Book Review Prepper's Water Survival Checklist offers a comprehensive overview answering frequently asked questions about collecting, reusing, conserving and storing water during an emergency.  Personally I found the information about collecting water from fog quite interesting. It was very nice to see the author also touched on grey water - we had a grey water system on one of our rural properties that diverted water from sinks and showers to feed the trees surrounding the home... we never did have to water those trees for the 2.5 years we lived there.  Since then I've often wondered why building regulators don't encourage grey water systems for urban yards. This should prove to be a useful guide to anyone concerned with water during a crisis. ~ Reviewer: Lillian Brummet ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~

Quote of the day

" Although human subtlety  makes a variety of inventions  by different means  to the same end,  it will never devise an invention  more beautiful,  more simple,  or more direct  than does nature,  because in her inventions  nothing is lacking,  and nothing is superfluous. "  ~ Leonardo Davinci ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~  

In The Media

I am super excited to share this next post with you!  I began networking with Gaby Francia, and podcast host Lucia Matuonto, back in Sept. 2023. Since then I've learned about the Relatable Media , their Relatable Voice Magazine and the Relatable Voice Podcast that she and her team manage. However, today I have the pleasure of sharing this really neat project they are doing at Catch The Story! Podcast , where they recently featured our work. I hope you have a chance to check it out. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of the episode to l learn more about how you can submit your story for consideration as well. episode/ 3N0AbYHl23X6HSLaWKb6tT?si= SvotldReRnua0esOK5YPtQ ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~

A Little YouTube

A Little YouTube Tony M. submitted the following question our way:   "When people are in abused situations they often feel guilt, and they hold on that guilt and feel like they will be judged... any advice for them?" "Their inner judge, inner critic, or inner saboteur keeps them in that cycle and they willingly allow that to happen because it takes a huge amount of courage to challenge those inner belief systems and face the healing journey. " Find the full 3 min video responding to this submitted question here:

World of Writing - Author Interview

Interviews are one of my personal favourite aspects of this blog. Interviews allow me to really connect with & get to know my connections on a deeper level. It gives me a chance to interact with my connections more often & is a great way to show my support of their work.  Today I have the pleasure of featuring author & illustrator Michelle Cornish with something like 16 books available on Amazon . She also writes children's books with her kids as A.J. Kormon . Michelle drops in today to share her passion  for positive thinking & some of her experiences creating numerous books in several different genres. When I asked Michelle what she likes to do on a day off - when she isn't writing or drawing - she said, " you'll find her losing to her kids at Uno in the sunny Okanagan (BC, Canada)".  Pretty cool coincidence is that my husband, Dave Brummet, was born and raised in the Okanagan, & this is where he met & married me some 34 years ago. We mo

Recommended Resources

The  Recommended Resources  series has been published on this blog since we transferred it from the  Brummet's Muse  biweekly newsletter that ran for 6 years or so, many years ago. When we closed it down, we decided that we just had to continue this series here on this blog and have been doing so now for nearly 2 decades. With this series, Dave and I have the pleasure of sharing some great resources which can include  - positive impact organizations and events - citizen science projects  - helpful articles, amazing resources & exciting interviews We hope our readers will reach out to thank them for their work, find a way to network with them, share these sites with others or get involved in some way. ** Want to see a non-profit listed here? - Send us a  FaceBook   or  LinkedIn  message. Pets For Life Society Alberta   focuses on supporting quality of life for companion animals. Everything from vet care, support services for animals in need, preventing overpopulation to anything

Elephant Mountain Festival

Elephant Mountain Festival (Nelson, BC - Canada) Find them on FaceBook: Their Email: Their Website: When? ... Sept 9th - 16th

National Wildlife Federation's photo contest

I received the following Photo Contest announcement below from the National Wildlife Federation's  Tess Renusch  (Senior Coordinator, Digital Content and Engagement for the organization's  Garden for Wildlife® and Certified Wildlife Habitat® Programs   )... -- Have you been hard at work this year to create a green oasis at home? Or maybe you’ve stumbled across a community garden on one of your neighborhood walks. Wherever you’ve found inspiration, we want to see the birds, butterflies, bees, native plants, and people (yes, that includes YOU!) that bring it to life. ENTER TODAY Submit images in any of these five categories: People in the Wildlife Garden Certified Wildlife Habitat® Landscapes Wildlife Observations Where People Live, Work, Play, Learn, and Worship Close-up Native Plants and their Wildlife Visitors Young Habitat Photographers: For photographers age 13-17 One Grand Prize winner will receive $1,000 and a Runner-Up will receive $500.  In each of the five categories, c

In The Media

Christopher Graham & I met in 2020 & we have been finding creative ways to network and support one another ever since.  Just recently, on August 2nd, Chris featured our #book Poetic Wanderings on his blog: The Story Reading Ape !!!  This book  honours Dave Brummet's father, Frank - by sharing his lifelong #poetry collection.  * Thank you, Chris, for your support! * Check out the kind reader comments and "likes" on this post... Really cool. ;) ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~

Quote of the Day

" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all art and science.  He to whom this emotion is a stranger,  who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,  is as good as dead;  his eyes are closed. " ~ Albert Einstein ~~~     Follow & Find Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~