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National Wildlife Federation's photo contest

I received the following Photo Contest announcement below from the National Wildlife Federation's Tess Renusch (Senior Coordinator, Digital Content and Engagement for the organization's Garden for Wildlife® and Certified Wildlife Habitat® Programs )...


Have you been hard at work this year to create a green oasis at home? Or maybe you’ve stumbled across a community garden on one of your neighborhood walks. Wherever you’ve found inspiration, we want to see the birds, butterflies, bees, native plants, and people (yes, that includes YOU!) that bring it to life.


Submit images in any of these five categories:

  • People in the Wildlife Garden
  • Certified Wildlife Habitat® Landscapes
  • Wildlife Observations Where People Live, Work, Play, Learn, and Worship
  • Close-up Native Plants and their Wildlife Visitors
  • Young Habitat Photographers: For photographers age 13-17
One Grand Prize winner will receive $1,000 and a Runner-Up will receive $500. In each of the five categories, category winners will receive gift certificates to Wild Birds Unlimited®. Winners will be announced in a press release, highlighted through our social media channels, and published in print and/or online.

Modest entry fees help support the conservation work of the National Wildlife Federation—and help inspire our millions of members and supporters to care about wildlife and to act on its behalf. So, whether you are an avid amateur or longtime professional, we look forward to seeing some of your best photographs.
Entrants have the option to donate images if they wish, which help support our mission to protect wildlife and habitats. No matter what, you still retain ownership of all your photos. 

Thanks for entering and good luck!

