-- Quote of the Day --
"No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking."
~ Ruth Benedict
~ Ruth Benedict
-- Lillian on Green-T Hour Radio ! --
Dave & I were invited to appear on the Green-T hour radio show with host, Guy Chapman, which airs at 7 PM (Pacific): www.blogtalkradio.com/Green-T-Hour
"Toboa Radio is operated via the Toboa Energy Resources LLC - a renewable energy company with focus on private and commercial electric power resources through the application of wind and solar power. ...Our goal is to help others by empowering the right of life, liberty, and self determination through self reliance and personal awareness." - http://toboaenergy.com
-- Today on Conscious Discussions Radio --
Legally blind from birth and a two-time breast cancer survivor - Donna Hill is a writer, speaker, singer and has 3 albums of original music so far. Her volunteer efforts and speaking engagements help others persevere and understand the importance of breast exams and also the life of a blind person in the US. Donna is also the head of Media Relations for the Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind; and this will be the focus of today's discussion.
Conscious Discussions airs at 10 AM (pacific) and can be found via the hyper-linked show title here, or on the right of this page you'll find a link to the show as well.
-- Support the Brummets --
With Easter just a few weeks away and mother’s day looming just around the corner from that I’d like to remind everyone that if you feel you have enjoyed our radio shows (Conscious Discussions & Authors Read) our blog, newsletter or articles - to please consider our books as a gift for those on your list over the upcoming holidays. By doing so, you are not only supporting the work we do - you are also helping us support some amazing charities.
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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