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eco-resource, quote, chatter

-- Quote of the Day --

"Words are magical formulae. They leave finger marks behind on the brain, which in the twinkling of an eye become the footprints of history. One ought to watch one' s every word."
~ Franz Kafka

-- Recommended Eco-Resource --

I heard of this blog through the San Diego Zero Waste Group & just visited it this morning. I was pleased to see a few mover's & shakers in the eco-world that I recognize & was pleased to see that they are being acknowledged for their incredible work. Check out the blog when you have time to find articles on interesting topics!

-- Chatter --

Ah... I reach a little break in the office after pulling 8-12 hour days in the office for a few weeks straight now, with only two afternoons & one morning off.

The rush of preparing & registering August's featured guest episodes on our two radio shows is over, & the Brummet's Monthly newsletter is just about ready to send out during the last weekend of July. Sign up for this newsletter by clicking on the "contact" button on our site ( & ask to be on the mailing list for the newsletter.

I've nearly completed the initial release announcements for Purple Snowflake Marketing's second edition - & now, we are working on the preparations for the release of the revised edtion of Towards Understanding for e-book format.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be sharing sites that are featuring interviews and articles on our work - the support for the release of these two new e-books has been incredible & we are so grateful! So it is a relatively light day in the office - I forsee taking the late afternoon all to myself... maybe curl up and read in the shade, or if it is too hot, it the living room. Ah... Well, if I keep talking about it here, it'll never happen :) ...Back to work I go...

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
