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Emergency Preparedness & Review/interview Announcements

-- Announcement --

I am excited to share the following recent media appearances with you:

- Glenda Davis of the Roots and Branches book review blog has just produced a mini-review for our recently released e-book, Purple Snowflake Marketing, and of the revised edition of Towards Understanding (soon to be released), check it out at:

- Cherie Burbach of Working Writers & Bloggers has recently posted a fantastic interview with Lillian on her blog, check it out at:

-- Conscious Discussions Radio --

Today's guest was unable to call in. Instead I went ahead with the topic of the day - preparing for emergencies. In this episode, I hope to provoke some thoughtful discussion on the types of emergencies & dangers that may exist in your region & with your lifestyle in mind. I also shared thoughts on placement, size and application of such preparadness kits... & contingency plans for co-workers, fur-kids & family. Simply click on the hyper-links here to access the Emergency Preparedness episode of the Conscious Discussions radio show.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
