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Peace, forgiveness & gardening

-- Conscious Discussions Radio --

Today’s featured guest: Certified life coach - Sandee Sgarlata, author of The Day After Tomorrow – the 1st novel in the Julia Monroe Series & a 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist for Young Adult Fiction. Today we will be talking about finding inner peace through forgiveness, also we’ll learn about the non-profit organization – Alliance 4 Peace Foundation. She also co-founded the 4give4peace organization. Sandee also has a radio program titled: Teens 4 Peace, which we will touch on if time allows.
To access today's discussion on Finding Peace thru Forgiveness simply click on the hyperlinks here or look to the right for links to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show.

-- Conscious Gardening --

Gardening season is upon us and soon we will be dealing with hot summer days and, in some areas, drought. An excellent water conservation alternative that gardeners can utilize is soaker hoses.

Made from recycled tires, they can be laid directly on raised beds, or along the row if you don't garden in beds. Soaker hoses use 1/5 of the water then traditional overhead watering techniques. They reduce soil born pests and diseases, while the crop remains clean of debris.
We install flexible black pipe, lightly buried below the surface, with a tap above ground that we plug the garden hose into when necessary. This works well for permanent beds, and eliminates having to drag hoses around.

We also found that they work well under plastic covered beds (like those used for tomato & pepper crops) or along landscaping under various mulches or fabric. When employed this way, watering can be done even during the day without fear of much evaporation. However, soaker hoses are not meant to be buried underground, but if they get dirty the water pressure seeping out will clean them nicely.

Speaking of water pressure, the water should seep/or/drip - not stream - out of the pores. The pressure is left on for several hours, sometimes all day if necessary, until the entire bed is watered deeply.

The oldest section of soaker hose we have has been actively used for about 9 years and is still working just fine. We have read that if soaker hoses develop mineral deposits from hard water, simply soak them in a container of vinegar solution. A container that might work well for this would be a plastic kiddy-pool.

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