Well the time has come again for me to fulfill my promise to my husband and take a few days from the office. I will occasionally check my email and will dropin on this blog once in a while over the next 3 days off. Thank you for your understanding in this regard. Feel free to scroll through the archived posts here in this blog if you have time, or head over to our main site - www.brummet.ca - where we have lots of information, resources, articles, book excerpts, etc...
Today's quote came from the Save the Frogs interview on the Conscious Discussions radio show that aired on June 28, 2009. Check out the archive of this fascinating discussion on amphibians simply by clicking on the hyperlinked show title above or look to the right for links to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show :)
Glenda Davis of the Roots and Branches book review blog has just produced a mini-review for our recently released e-book, the 2nd edition of Purple Snowflake Marketing - How to Make Your Book Stand Out in a Crowd - check it out at: www.rootsandbranches.webs.com
- A big thank you goes out to all of these wonderful people and organizations below who have recently been recommending our books, blogs or radio shows through their channels: Castilla from SMS Book Reviews (http://smsbookreviews.blogspot.com), Aaron Lazar of the Murder By 4 blog (http://www.murderby4.blogspot.com), Suzanne Lieurance of Working Writer's Coach and Book Bites for Kids radio show (http://www.workingwriterscoach.com), Richard Ho of Green Culture (http://greenculture.com), Subtle Tea's Dave Herrle (http://www.subtletea.com), Helen from Writer's Success (http://www.writerssuccess.com), Marcus Reidner of Sharing Books (http://www.sharingbooks.com), Carol Denbow's A Book Inside Blog (http://abookinside.blogspot.com), Lillie Ammanne of A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye (http://www.lillieammann.com/blog), promotion expert Nikki Leigh (http://www.nikkileigh.com), Yvonne Perry of Writers in the Sky (http://www.writersinthesky.com )... Amber Grosjean of Writing for All (http://writingforall.com)Thank you all so much for your support!
-- Quote of the Day --
“When I had to do my PhD I knew I had to pick an organism to study, I liked hanging out on streams so I started thinking about the animals that live on or near streams… Frogs have more personality, and I realized that frogs were rapidly disappearing and no one seemed to know why – so it was the conservation issue that appealed to me. So then I started looking for who around the world was working with frogs. …I wanted to start Save the Frogs because what I noticed about being a scientist is that scientists make recommendations on what should be done, but most often these things were not being implemented. So I decided to take the charge and get these things implemented. …There are a lot of non-science activities that need to be done as well. …Humans have used frogs for a long time. Food is one thing; frogs have meat on their legs, but these days there are 6 billion humans but not enough frogs to feed them. …America is actually the world’s second largest importer, after France. …10% of the noble prizes in medicine come from research that depended on frogs – the first animal we successfully cloned was an amphibian, the first modern pregnancy test came from frogs… When a frog species disappears there goes all the potential uses with them as well. There are lots of research on the chemicals in frog skin from killing HIV to a natural mosquito repellant.”
~ Kerry Krigger - June 28, 2009
~ Kerry Krigger - June 28, 2009
Today's quote came from the Save the Frogs interview on the Conscious Discussions radio show that aired on June 28, 2009. Check out the archive of this fascinating discussion on amphibians simply by clicking on the hyperlinked show title above or look to the right for links to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show :)
-- Review Announcement --
Glenda Davis of the Roots and Branches book review blog has just produced a mini-review for our recently released e-book, the 2nd edition of Purple Snowflake Marketing - How to Make Your Book Stand Out in a Crowd - check it out at: www.rootsandbranches.webs.com
-- Note of Appreciation --
- A big thank you goes out to all of these wonderful people and organizations below who have recently been recommending our books, blogs or radio shows through their channels: Castilla from SMS Book Reviews (http://smsbookreviews.blogspot.com), Aaron Lazar of the Murder By 4 blog (http://www.murderby4.blogspot.com), Suzanne Lieurance of Working Writer's Coach and Book Bites for Kids radio show (http://www.workingwriterscoach.com), Richard Ho of Green Culture (http://greenculture.com), Subtle Tea's Dave Herrle (http://www.subtletea.com), Helen from Writer's Success (http://www.writerssuccess.com), Marcus Reidner of Sharing Books (http://www.sharingbooks.com), Carol Denbow's A Book Inside Blog (http://abookinside.blogspot.com), Lillie Ammanne of A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye (http://www.lillieammann.com/blog), promotion expert Nikki Leigh (http://www.nikkileigh.com), Yvonne Perry of Writers in the Sky (http://www.writersinthesky.com )... Amber Grosjean of Writing for All (http://writingforall.com)Thank you all so much for your support!
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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