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Rescuing Abandoned or Abused Animals; Healing Fear & Pain

-- Quote of the Day --

"The most unhappy people in the world are those who covet their neighbors status symbols."
~ Unknown

-- Conscious Discussions Radio --

Margaret Paul is our guest of the day; she is the co-creator of the Inner Bonding program, author of eight published books and co-creator of the SelfQuest program. Today we are going to learn about healing fear & pain, prison and school programs that help teach personal responsibility & the world of writing. Check out the live interview at 10 AM (pacific) or access the archived Healing Fear & Pain radio show at your convenience, by clicking on the hyper-links here or looking to the right side of this page to find the Conscious Discussions talk radio show.

-- Conscious Holiday --

Aug 18 is International Homeless Animal Day

You should have seen how excited my little young girl was when I told her it was her day! lol She squirmed and danced, so of course - I had to give her a treat :) I so love my dogs, and while I don't miss the cat allergies, I do miss having cats in the home now that our other two have passed on. But the dogs are enough for us and I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to adopt them from rescue centers.

If you scroll through the archives of my radio show, Conscious Discussions, you'll find that I've interviewed several animal rescue and rehabilitation operations including (click on hyper-links to access interviews): Wild ARC (branch of the SPCA), Simian Institute, Wye Marsh Wildlife Center, Abandoned Dogs & Horses, & Second Acts Foundation.

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