-- Quote of the Day --
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
~ Mahatma Gandhi
-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --
Today’s featured guest, Joseph Malki, is the co-founder and partner of Seven-Star, Inc – www.sevenstarevents.com - located in Asheville, North Carolina (USA). Seven Star Events is a global leader in greening the entertainment industry and has recently been honored with the EPA Waste Wise Award – no small feat, to be sure.
Joseph and I had a wonderful discussion about how to the organization is run, the work they do and so much more. We discussed: Greencitiesmedia.com, GlobalExchange.com, Green Festivals, Green America, Coop America, SustainableWaves.com, Mother Earth News, Better World Telecom,...World Wildlife Federation... and others. Learn how willing volunteers are to participate in green events, how to market the green event and educate the patrons. Discover alternative products, power, sound systems, food, sponsors...
I was so inspired by this interview that I will be emailing all the festivals in the province of BC (Canada) and getting them to tune in to hear this exceptional advice.
To hear this archived interive simply click on the hyper-linked show title here or look to the right for links to the recent episodes on the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show.
Check out these related archived interviews: Bagless Communities, May 29/07 --- A Musical Business from Trash, June 5/07 --- Reduce the Use in the UK, June 12/07 --- Inner City Youth - A Safe Place to Socialize, Nov 22/07 --- Sustainable Business, Nov 27/07 --- Composting Toilets Feb 26/08 --- Sustainable Waves – Alternative Powered Festivals, March 19/08 --- We Are Many Organization, Sept 23/08 --- Renos Org. – The Business Side of Trash, Feb 5/09 --- Greenhouse Neutral Foundation, July 29/09
-- Positive Eco-News --
According to the Japan for Sustainability Org: (www.japanfs.org)
Japan's office equipment supplier Ricoh Co. set up an eco-powered sign in Times Square in New York City (U.S.) for a lighting in December 2008. With its hybrid power generator and batteries for power storage, the billboard will be powered entirely by the sun and the wind, needing no electricity supplies from other sources. The sign (14.3 x 38.4 meter) bearing the company's logo will be equipped with four wind turbines and 63 solar panels.
-- Recommended Resources --
- www.highimageconsulting.com - offers environmental legal and educational consulting services
- www.whisperpoetry.com - anyone with an interest in poetry will find this site a valuable resource
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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