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Green Resources & Events

-- Eco-Event --

Recycling Council of Alberta - 2009 Waste Reduction Conference
When: Oct 14-16
Location: Calgary AB

-- Recycling in Canada (2004) --

*Source: Recycling Product News Magazine -

Statistics Canada’s 2004 Census numbers show that across the country about 27 % of waste is recycled – about 112 kilograms per capita.

British Columbia has always been a leader in Canada – the 2004 Census found that 37.7 % of waste was diverted in B.C.

The largest city in BC, Vancouver reached more than 50 % diversion from the landfill through waste reduction efforts.

I would love to see a new Census with recent recycling numbers and compare them to these 2004 waste diversion rates, as I'm certain that the numbers have climbed in the last 5 years with a lot more items accepted in the recycling stream now.

-- Recommended Resources -- - a frugal living blog - a professional or inventor’s green blog

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