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Just One, then...

-- Quote of the Day --

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”
~ Mother Teresa

This featured quote can be applied to one's life in a thousand ways, but it really boils down to starting where you are, with what you have and playing a proactive role in creating a healthier planet.

It doesn't have to be a lot - Here's a small example of some of the little things we have done over the last few weeks:

We took our excess magazines, local maps (and some bookmarks) to the busiest laundromat in our city. We shared several bags of eggplant, peppers, cabbage, lettuce, herbs and tomatoes to a variety of friends and co-workers. We have more than 90 pie-pumpkins (exceptional for pies and soups/curries, etc), of which we will only need about 30 at most, so we'll be sharing most of the harvest with a few friends and the Whispers of Hope Mission (which feeds the hungry) or the church around the corner from us that often holds feasts for the underprivilaged and working poor during the holidays. I have a box of 28 used and like-new books for donation to the local literacy organization, waiting for pick-up. Dave wrote 3 short stories about dog adoption for 2 different animal rescue organizations to help in their fundraising efforts. And I've promoted at least a dozen different positive and proactive organizations via word of mouth (...also on this blog and the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show).

So - okay - these contributions are not "huge", "great", "wonderful"... but they may inspire you to consider what you have that is extra, what skill you have that you can use on a daily or regular basis to help create a healthier, conscious world.

Never mind how "small" a single contribution might feel to you & don't let the negativity bring you down - celebrate your every action for you are the hero society is seeking.

-- Authors Read --

Beth Fehlbaum joined in today's radio show episode to read from her novel: Courage in Patience... Check it out by either clicking on the links you'll find on the right side of this blog, or via the Authors Read Radio show hyper-link here.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
