-- Quote of the Day --
“We were really astonished to see how many books …that are not printed on recycled paper, and for us – that was something we were not really willing to do. …I’m hoping that more book publishers and authors will do more to take a stand and not cut down virgin trees to produce their books.”
~ Corey Colwell-Lipson Oct 15, 2009
I really enjoy this quote of the day because it highlights that everyday simple things that can make the largest impact. Corey Colwell-Lipson appeared on the Conscious Discussions talk radio show just 2 weeks ago on the Oct 15th episode - Greening Holidays & Events. Check it out by clicking on the hyper-links here or by looking to the right side of this blog for links to the Conscious Discussions talk radio show.
-- Recommended Resource --
The Stand for Less blog has a very inspiring video about people finding the “ah-ha” moments that made them take the road to a greener lifestyle. I loved it and hope that you find the time to check it out!
* Today’s recommended resource was sent to me from Jim B. of the Zero Waste San Diego Group – Thanks Jim! :)
-- Conscious Living Event --
Halloween Spirit Fest
Date: Oct. 31, 2009
Location: Newmarket Community Centre - 252 Main Street, Newmarket (USA)
-- Greening Your World --
I recently received a guest query application and media kit from the publicist for author Sally Bingham - Love God, Heal Earth (a non-fiction report on a wide variety of religions and their take on one's responsibility to the health of this planet). While we decided not to feature her on our Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show I was intrigued by her subject and those who are interested in what religious leaders are saying about caring for the earth should definitely check her work out. In the media kit Sally suggested eight things that a person can do right now to help the environment – and I’d like to share those with you now:
1) Do a home energy audit
* This can sometimes be expensive so price out the service before taking this on. Some common sense use of the second half of Sally's suggestion in #2 should be a high priority for those on a fixed or limited budget.
2) Use thermostat settings & insulation to conserve
* We did this in our home that we bought only 3.5 years ago - the automatic thermastat control we have now is really convenient. The house is warm when we get up and I don't have to remember to shut it down when we go to bed - the control does it for us. It also measures other things like humidity levels, which is helpful in the winter months. Insulating the doors, hot water pipes, hot water tanks, windows, wall outlets, and light switches can save a huge amount on the winter and summer energy costs. Kits for these projects are readily available at hardward supply centers and are not expensive.
3) Sign up for renewable energy from local utility companies (if possible)
4) Buy energy efficient home appliances & vehicles
* It took all 3.5 years but we have now replaced the fridge, laundry machines, freezer and hot water tank in this house. Whew! Still a couple more appliances left to do! But we have seen a noticable decrease in the energy bill.
5) Improve efficiency at home and work – curtailing unnecessary energy use.
* Consider these simple things: turn off the computer and unplug it unless it is on a power bar. Don't even turn on the printer/scanner, or other periphrials until you are going to use them - then turn them off immediately after use. Digital phones do not have to be in the cradel unless they are charging. Unplug recharger centers (for batteries, drills, etc). All of these items will continue to draw energy, even when not in use.
6) Use alternative transportation rather than your car
* My favorites - a bicycle or my own two feet! :) But not just in town, think about when you are on vacation or just day activities. For instance going snowshoeing for a day activity has little to no impact on the environment. (as opposed to downhill skiing, snowmobiles...)
7) Communicate to your elected officials on behalf of the environment by calling them, or sending emails or letters
8) Stay informed
*During the long winter months I'd like to remind you all to consider visiting the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show and scroll through the more than 240 hours of interviews and discussions on green and conscious living, literacy, and more! It is a great way to be entertained and educated while wrapping gifts, cleaning house or other such mundane chores!
-- Authors Read Radio --
Today we feature TK Reed who will share an excerpt from her children's book - Quasar and the Eye of the Serpent. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing an excerpt from my book - Towards Understanding. Check out these live - or archived - Authors Read episodes by clicking on the hyperlink here or looking to the right side of this blog for links to recent episodes of the Authors Read radio show.
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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