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2 hours of listening & Eco-tips!

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --

Back on Tuesday this week we offered Conscious Discussions Radio listeners a Positive Eco-News segment that discussed e-waste and lighting innovations like CFL's and LED's.

Today we featured Cynthia Primm - to discuss how we can Trade Sorrow for Something Greater. *Our Skype connection was giving us a little trouble so please forgive the minor sound issues for the host's line.

-- Domestic Solar Panel Sales Rise --

Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA) released its statistics for the shipping of solar panels during the first quarter of fiscal 2009, which it collected by surveying 24 Japanese manufacturers.

According to the statistics, domestic sales accounts for 29.3 percent of the total sales in that country… and this sector has increased by 82.5 percent over the last year.

-- Conscious Holiday Gifts & Celebrations --

- A reusable coffee filter and whole organic, shade-grown coffee beans. Shade-grown coffee is a method of growing the coffee berry crop with little damage to rain forests and surrounding terrain.

- If you choose to purchase electronics, consider those powered by solar or rechargeable batteries.

- For holiday photo memories, avoid disposable cameras. Instead use a digital camera and load directly to your own computer and CD burner. Alternatively, use a normal camera and have the pictures put on CD’s at the development outlet. By choosing CD’s you reduce chemicals, paper and cost. Choose 36 exposure film rolls and reduce both packaging and waste.

- Conscious jewelry choices such as:

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