-- Authors Read Radio --
Today we featured co-authors, Marilyn Suttle & Lori Vest who read sections from their book: Who's Your Gladys? - which shares real-life stories for how to deal with, or prevent, difficult customers - on Authors Read Radio: http://tobtr.com/s/922516
-- Free Webinar on Pay-As-You-Throw --
The Econservation Institute is providing free assistance through international webinars, workshops and "hands-on" consulting to communities in their region (USA). If your community is interested in finding out about new options for recycling and diversion including PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) and how they can help you reduce costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase jobs, and help citizens recycle, then this program is for you!
PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) is not just practical in the landfill-costly East coast or in the "green" West, but in all kinds of areas, even the desert / mountain west. There are PAYT lessons for urban, suburban, rural, and remote areas with all types of collection systems.
Register for the free webinar and learn from a panel of the best-known national experts and guest speakers on PAYT- how it works, the known and potential impacts, pros and cons and real-world experience with the key ways to implement PAYT:
… After registering you will be notified about instructions for the webinar and you'll get a follow-up email by March 8th for reply to get fully-registered on "gotowebinar" .
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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