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E-books, an economic way to go

Well, the Brummet's Muse bi-weekly newsletter just went out this morning. I hope you all enjoy the information we have in this issue. :) For those of you not already on our list, simply add your name via the widget here on this site or on our site.

-- Quote of the Day --

(For e-books you need to) convert it for the right format, sign up to the right retailers and you are set to go. Most of the retailers are non-exclusive, and there are a lot of easy ways to get your e-book available. …The biggest formats are MobiPocket and Epub… E-books give people much more capability than ever before… and are a very good way of getting your content out there with out spending a lot of money.

~ Jan 19th – Joshua Tallent

You can access the full archived interview with Joshua Tallent that aired on Jan 19th on the Conscious Discussions talk radio by clicking on the show title here: All About E-books

-- Recommended Resources --

Earth Zone, home of Planet Pals is an interactive web site for children offering lots of freebies and lots of fun, including a planet pals card game, recycle kit, coloring book...

The Feasta Organization aims to identify the characteristics (economic, cultural and environmental) of a truly sustainable society, articulate how the necessary transition can be effected and promote the implementation of the measures required for this purpose:

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
