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Conscious Living Events & News

-- Conscious Living Events --

Aug 15-18:
SWANA’s Wastecon 2010
Location: Boston Convention & Exhibition center
Boston, MA – USA

Aug 15:
National Acadian Day (Canada)
"Indeed, it appears to me that a people who, during more than a century of hardship and persecutions, have managed to preserve their religion, their language, their customs and their autonomy, must have acquired enough importance to deserve that they take should the means to solemnly assert their existence; and that could not be done in a more efficacious way than by the celebration of a national day of their own..." ~ Marcel-Francois Richard

-- Positive Eco-News --

* source: 

Back in 2001 it was determined that about 90% of Japans C02 emissions were generated from road transport, the Japanese transport sector had a lofty goal of cutting the Carbon Dioxide contributions from 267 to 243 million tons by 2010. 

One might have the impression that the goal would be a difficult but attainable one for that time frame, especially with the increase in vehicle ownership and use  – however by 2007 they had already nearly achieved this goal, well ahead of schedule, with a decreased to 246 million tons of C02 emissions. 

They did this by improving traffic flow thereby reducing idling, increasing vehicle efficiency (both on a manufacture level and also having the consumer use the vehicle more effectively, taxing older cars, etc), and reducing travel distances (urban planning).

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