-- Quote of the Day --
“Getting rid of clutter really isn’t about trying to achieve some sort of magazine-cover perfection, but about freeing up time for priorities. …It is functional living – not perfect living. …Getting rid of clutter is a process… and it can sometimes be hard for people to cut down their clutter… we get emotionally attached to our stuff. …Creating a sustainable community is win-win for everybody involved; when we reduce our excess, we help other people. As well, less needs to be produced and there is less waste. We gain by having greater peace of mind and getting rid of clutter opens our lives up to new hobbies, new relationships.”
~ Barbara Tako ~
Today's quote came from the Living Clutter-free interview on the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio Show that aired back on Aug 31 this year - You can access the full interview via the hyper-linked show title above.
-- Chatter --
Today finds me inundated with a heavy list of to-do's an appointments so the post here today will be short and sweet. Dave and I put a solid roof on our greenhouse frame this weekend and cleaned up some of the fall debris around the yard - leaves, pulling the scarlet runner beans down, etc. Dave rented some movies for us for the last couple of nights and it was a lovely treat. We've finally seen Avatar - which was pretty cool - and the Clash of the Titans, gotta love Greek mythology! ...It is very wet and cloudy the last few days have been the same - which kind of wears me out. I often feel a bit low, with less energy when the weather is like this... How about you?
I neglected to take any time off this month (I'm supposed to take at least 3 days off a month) so tomorrow and Saturday will have to do. I have one interview booked for Saturday, so I'll be able to steal a little time between now and then for me, ah ... Won't that be lovely? :) ...a cup of strong coffee and a book to read - what more could a girl ask for a day off? ...But that is tomorrow. Today, I have a long, long list of obligations - lol - and I'd best get started. ...Have a great day everyone!
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: www.brummet.ca
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