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World of Writing: Poetry, Book Promotion :)

-- Quote of the Day --

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you,
But by what you bring to life;
Not so much by what happens to you,
But what happens to you through the way
Your mind looks at what happens."

~ Lewis Dunnington

-- Brummet's & the Media --

Media and print producer Linda Leon, is  also the host of the Book That Author talk radio show devoted to authors, editors and other book professionals in the writing industry. Lillian is excited to be invited to participate in this radio program today as their featured guest. Check out the Marketing Experts interview via the hyper-links here in this post. * The show airs live at 9:30 (pacific) and will be archived as well for those who cannot make the live broadcast.

-- Conscious Discussions Radio -- 
Conscious Discussions Radio airs live today at a slightly different time, due to the interview scheduled this morning... Today's discussion on the World of Writing will talk about a lot of things, but primarily we'll be covering the topic of poetry. Check it out today live at 11:00 AM (Pacific) and drop into the live chat room as well... or listen to the archived show at your convenience via the hyper-links above. 

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blogs, and more at: 
* Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or purchasing a book - each book sold raises funds for charity as well!
