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True Beauty


-- Quote of the Day --

"When you blame others, you give up your power to change." 

Douglas Noel Adams

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --

Today's guest:
Michelle Phillips is a bestselling Hay House author whose book and mission are centered around changing the way people feel about beauty.  Her book - The Beauty Blueprint – offers a journey filled with worksheets and projects that connect readers to their outer appearance and their inner beauty – enhancing lives by bringing more beauty to every aspect of our existence.  Michelle is an international speaker, TV and radio host, and Life Coach and she is here to share some of her expertise with us today.  

Join us live @ 10-11 AM (pacific) / 11 AM-12 (mountain) and drop in the Live Chat room as well, if you have a chance... or access the archived interview later on at your convenience:

-- Conscious Living Event --

Feb 7th:

You are invited to the second meeting of the Reuse & Repair Group for

San Diego residents and businesses are increasing diversion of waste from landfills through the separation of materials into commodities. Although waste diversion is increasing, experts agree that encouraging and promoting diversion in the reuse and repair sector is crucial to creating a sound resource management strategy in the region.

Next meeting date: Tuesday, February 7

Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm (pacific)

City of Chula Vista Public Services Building North, 
276 Fourth Ave, building 300, Room B111

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