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Conscious Schools - cleaning away clutter

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“Cleaning, or clearing, your mind of a thought system that seems to be hurting you means to be responsible for what you think. It is only at this level that you can exercise any choice about what you hope to gain in this life experience.” 

 ~ Carmen Allgood: Beyond diapers

-- Conscious School Activities --

Public school season is heading for a close, and they will often find a lot of clutter left onsite, as well as defunct materials.  

Schools that are off-loading supplies, clothes (i.e. from the lost and found bin), furniture and anything else left in locker boxes, in the gym or in a dorm room can take those items to: 

Boys & Girls Clubs
summer school programs
child abuse centers and foster families
summer art programs
or donate to a thrift shop (i.e. Goodwill)

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