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Referral Corner

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“When you can go from a place of pain to a place of renewal – and this will take some time, it won’t happen overnight – but when you do get to that place you realize how strong you are and what you survived. …We are a loss-denying society – the problem is if we don’t talk about it, it is still boing to happen to us and we will be ill informed.  So we hurry it along, we don’t necessarily make the right decisions and then feel like something is wrong with us. …Your happiness is not dependent on the presence of another person. …If you need any part of the healing journey get some help – it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help to move through the grief process. …It is so important to understand that the heart expands infinitely to embrace love. …Your past shapes you; it does not define you – don’t live a destiny that you didn’t choose.”

Carole Fleet

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode titled: Beyond Grief

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

-- Referral Corner -- 

The referral corner section of our blog is reserved to occasionally share information about a few of the amazing resources and non-profits that are available online. We hope that you'll take the time to click on their URL's and check out their work.

Shelter Box Canada - is a non-profit organization that responds to either manmade or environmental disaster areas, providing immediate relief to the people there in the form of a box. Each box supplies up to 10 people with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless.

The Gathering PlaceThis organization offers safety, hope and a sense of community; Denver's only daytime drop-in center for women, children and transgender indivudals, and those who are experiencing homelessness and poverty.

Environmental Defense Fund - a powerful organization that focuses on preserving natural systems, on which all life depends. Through science and an understanding of economics, their aim is to find lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems facing the world today. 

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
