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Alternative energy for lights

 -- Quote of the Day -- 

“To cherish what remains of the Earth 
and to foster its renewal 
is our only legitimate hope of survival”

~ Wendell Berry

-- Positive News -- 

Now here is something very cool for those of you interested in alternative energy sources and new lighting technologies that I learned of from

An innovative office equipment manufacturer, Green House Co., launched a new LED lantern product that can generate electricity using only water and salt. This product doesn't even need dry cells to store the energy, there are no batteries to charge. Simply by pouring some salt water into the lantern, little ions travel up a metal rod of magnesium to a carbon rod and that simple act generates enough electricity to power the 55 lumen light.

How cool is that?

-- Conscious Living Event -- 

Jan 28 – 31

US Composting Council 21st Annual Convention & Trade Show

Location: Orlando Florida – US

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