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Inspiration, Motivation...Recycling

-- Quote of the Day -- 
“Take those “no’s” in because they are good – you have to go through a series of “no’s” to get to your “yes” and achieve your goal… so embrace those “no’s”. …In our lives we all have a circle of influence where everything we need is there and we have to find those pieces of the puzzle – to help us reach our goals and what we were meant to become. …Personal success is what makes your heart smile. …You can accomplish anything you put your mind to, find a way and reach out for the help you need… keep a positive spirit in life.” 

~ Felice Cantatore

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on Nov 20… titled: Inspired & Motivated for Success

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

 -- Brummet's In the Media -- 

 * I'll be participating in a prerecorded interview on the Sane Mom podcast today ... and will let you know as soon as it is available for you to access :)


What an honor it was to be featured on Sarah Glenn's Sinister Scribblings blog where she asked me to clarify the difference between "branding" and "platform", advertising advice, marketing tips and more. 

Check it out @:

...and feel free to leave a comment on her blog, or drop a line here on our blog, or visit our website (see this post's signature) and email me from there. I love hearing from you :)

 -- Positive News -- 

The number of US regions that are now recycling cartons has increased dramatically – by 128 % since 2009.

This is very important since the use of carton liquids had grown – just one school in the US can produce 9,000 cartons a week! 

The organization is one of the largest groups participating in this incredible venture partnering with many others such as and

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
