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Green Cities

-- Quote of the Day -- 

 “People who become involved are getting involved with the large picture… almost anywhere that you go, the greening of the world can happen through your actions – circling from the individual to worldwide.”

~ Cindy Katz

 (*Click on the link to access the full discussion with Cindy)

-- Conscious Living Event -- 

May 20

Waste Expo 2013

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana – US

 -- Positive News -- 

I was watching one of my favorite TV documentary series – Architects of Change - recently and learned of some interesting green city initiatives going on here in Canada. One Canadian city, I believe it was Montreal - Quebec, had started an interesting alternative transportation initiative. There, they offer combination package deals for people interested in renting a car, taking taxies, buses, using the share bike system, taking the subway or train, etc. Their plan includes cross promotions = so a bus would have advertising on the other alternatives, etc. They created a website page where people could purchase discount package combinations and also an App so that they can see where they are in the city and what the nearest alternative transportation option is to where they are at that moment, and which would be the fastest way to get where they are headed. So for instance the App might tell them that taking a bike is the fastest route due to the bike path systems in the area and point them to the nearest bike rack depot where they can pick up the bike… also telling them how many bikes are available at that station. They might be told to take a bus instead and the App tells them when the next bus is passing by. And so on through the list of alternatives that are available to their location. 

Other cities like Toronto – Ontario, Canada - are concentrating on creating more community gardens, a larger number of farmer markets, and school/university/college gardens, and more eco-friendly educational parks, and lots of tree planting programs. 

The city of Vancouver - BC, Canada - is fast becoming the greenest city of its size on the planet. They offer all the services mentioned above, and have an extensive recycling and composting system that is expected to expand to the point of being able to reduce a further 40-60% of their garbage. They have continuously built walking trails and bike paths and bike lanes, and have also created higher zoning regulations and building regulation standards. They also have unique libraries – where members can use tools they need for a project and return them to the nearest branch. One other neat thing they are doing is creating a number of electronic power stations for e-vehicles to utilize. 

It is exciting to see cities setting a higher example for others to follow.

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