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Inspiring Youth

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.”

 ~ David Thoreau, Walden

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- 

* Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.

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Steve Wolf - speaker, author, and entrepreneur - is here to share advice on inspiring youth, offering youth entrepreneur advice, time management tips and so much more. Steve currently works as a marketing specialist and travels the world motivating and teaching everyday people. The 21st century is vast, complex, and political, but unlike most, Steve has found a way to navigate it while having a whole lot of fun and helping people achieve their dreams!

Access the live (10-11 AM Pacific) or archived episode:



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