-- Quote of the Day --
“I really wanted to travel, I was a good writer but I
hadn’t really developed my travel writing voice – and that is where my blog
came in. I blog on it regularly – the first few posts are a little embarrassing
…but you develop your voice over time, it was only through practice really… you
know that 10,000 hours at something to really become good at it. …The blog
allowed me the opportunity to be able to see what really resonated with people,
to digest their feedback. Before I wrote my first book I had already had years
of writing experience and communicating with others interested in this topic.”
~ Shannon o’Donnell
Today’s quote originates
from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on … titled: Volunteer Travel
(*Click on the title to access the full
-- Positive News --
New York city plans on
doing a citywide composting system including large business and apartment
buildings, schools and residences. According to the article I read the city
actually has the burden of burying 1.2 million tons of organic compostable
waste in landfills annually, at a cost of $80 per ton. The organics bins will
be made available in the same areas as recycling and garbage bins, to increase
participation. Starting in selected areas of the city the program will
eventually include everyone in the city by 2016… saving them about $100 million
dollars per year, not to mention income generated from the composted product.
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: http://brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
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