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Of Pets and Writing

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“As a writer you can make a huge difference even if your readers are just your grandchildren. …With writing there are a lot of other people discouraging you along the way; everybody makes it sound so impossibly difficult – but it really is a matter of letting go of your inhibitions. …I take writing really seriously; I try to be entertaining and make you laugh - I think humor is really important. …You sit in the dark room and you think ‘Is this any good?’ …I’m a fan of technology I think it is a great tool, but I don’t think we want to be a slave to that tool. …Especially with magazines in particular, they are always looking for something new, some new trend, some new destination, so you have to be creative. …When you make a pitch you have to come up with a unique twist, and convey a real passion for the topic, and you have to get that across in less than 4 paragraphs. …You have to nail it quick and get their attention in the first paragraph. …Start small and build carefully.”

~ Ken McAlpine

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on June 2 2013… titled: World ofWriting

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

 -- Referral Corner --

People for the EthicalTreatment of Animals: One of the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 3 million members and supporters and celebrity endorsers. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories,  needless killing or hunting, animal cruelty in the domestic sector  and in the entertainment industry.

Pet Finder: An online, searchable database of animals who need homes. It is also a directory of nearly 14,000 animal shelters and adoption organizations across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. They offer additional information from questions to ask family members to an evaluation check list so that you can determine which breed is right for you.

Humane Society, Pets: Learn things you’ll need to consider before choosing a pet, you’ll find how-to resources on caring for companion animals as well as solving problems with wildlife, you'll get a closer look at the issues facing animals today, and find out what you can do to protect animals from cruelty in your own backyard and around the world. 

-- Brummet's In the Media -- 

Topic - Green Marketing
Drop by to hear a wonderful discussion I had with the Creative Possibility podcast host Shannon Bush about green markeing tips:

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