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-- Quote of the Day --

“There are lots of things we can do at home helps reduce pollution in the ocean – paints, auto oil, polishes, cleaning products – start to use the non-toxic stuff.   Dispose of your trash in the proper manner, do the recycling, don’t flush sanitary products and diapers down the toilet where they end up in the water and on the beaches.  Don’t throw litter; pick up litter even in the city because the litter will end up in the sewer which ends up in the ocean. … Every moment we have a chance to make choices what kind of products we use, how we use them and how we dispose of the trash. …When in nature be really respectful, don’t touch them – it is really about behaving in a way of interacting with creatures in the ocean that is super respectful. …I think it is that once you start giving energy to things that you are passionate about other people are watching and… are inspired by what we do and I am really inspired by that interaction because it makes me feel like someone got it. … Today make a point of reaching out to the people you appreciate and let them know they are loved and appreciated, what they are doing is important to the world – I really feel that it is the support that we give each other is the road to change.”

~ Hannah Fraser

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on July 13 2013… titled: Ocean Conservation

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

-- Positive News -- 

While Japan is being hounded recently for their sad use of the ocean in regards to dolphin and whale harvesting, they have made great strides as a country in other eco-savvy ways from green energy to greening their cities. Here's one example of one of their programs now in place:

A region in Japan is starting an eco-conscious system in partnership with stores and businesses – They started simply, with just wanting to reduce the number of plastic shopping bags, but have now grown to encourage and engage with residents who participate in eco-conscious activities. It works like credits in a way where if you have recycled or reused or reduced energy use, you get credits that you can spend locally. The stores or businesses who utilize these principles are also credited by the city with discounts on taxes, water, garbage and other city-based fees. 

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