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Prevent Pollution

-- Quote of the Day -- 

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

 ~ Peter Marshall

-- Your Role In A Clean Environment -- 
 * Today's article was provided by Elizabeth D. Johnson - a passionate writer who has been creating online articles for many years.

You might think that keeping a clean environment is very difficult. Well, maintaining it can be difficult, but it is not impossible. You can actually do lots of ways to make it possible. This article might be of great help. Start the changes at home. Your home is still part of your environment.

1. Avoid creating pollution -  Pollution can come in various forms. You can have air, water and land pollution and all of these can actually be prevented. Start it with yourself. Try to avoid throwing out any trash, and what you can't recycle, reuse, donate, sell or re-purpose make sure you throw your garbage away properly. For instance, dispose biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes properly. Avoid littering all over the places. Your motivation to avoid creating pollution is it can negatively affect human and animal's health and even destroy the environment.

2. Start reducing contaminants at home and all toxic materials at home. These things can actually destroy the environment.  If you are concerned with the safety and cleanliness of your home, certainly, all else will follow. Reduce it by cleaning with non-toxic organic supplies (like vinegar, baking soda), and using natural and bio-degradable eco-friendly personal products.

3. Be a good example - Try to do what is right. When you do the right things, everyone else will follow. Make sure they are following the right things from you. Set as a good example to all kinds of people, especially to the youth. The children are the most fragile individuals that are easily influenced by almost anything. When you teach them the right way, they will follow, and with that, they know how to take care of their environment.

It is very important to maintain a clean environment. If you are still wondering on what to do, try these three simple yet effective ways and help each other to keep it clean.

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