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Tis the season... for inspiring thoughts on gardening, landscaping and youth/senior/volunteer programs that green up communities. In fact, our seed orders are coming in the mail box and while we had a freak storm pass through where blizzard winds and snow packed against the windows, I sat infatuated by seed packets and catalogue descriptions spread out on the floor before me. 

This speaker, Ann Cooper, shares some fantastic statistics (American) on what schools are offering for lunch, how that is contributing to both academic and health issues in our young citizens, and some great examples of what innovative schools are doing about it. I thought this group might be interested in this for several reasons
-getting local youth tours happening for local growers/producers/manufacturers
-getting youth volunteer (hands on learning) opportunities for classes, home schoolers, and youth groups
-getting farmers and seniors working together on this
-getting schools to bring in locally sourced foods, and volunteers to come in to teach the youth about what they are eating. (Restaurant owners, cooks/chefs, gardeners, nutritionists, dieticians, etc).
-Teachers working with these individuals to design course material based on using local food (science?)and economics (math/business/computer).

Perhaps the food-related groups out there are already on this but I thought I’d share it in case you all are interested.

...Next, we have an inspiring presentation of one heck of an energetic teacher (Stephen Ritz) who has empowered people around him to change their environment to a greener, healthier, economically productive, less violent one. Fascinating stuff!
