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Ask Me Anything !!!

-- Announcement -- 

I am so grateful for the invitation to participate in an online interview. Big note of appreciation goes out to: Melissa P. , host relations department of AMA (Ask Me Anything).

You can ask questions ahead of the interview start time... I'll get them and they'll show up online on the day/time the interview starts.

My interview goes live today (Wednesday Aug. 15th) at 3pm (Eastern) / Noon (Pacific) and can be found here:

It works kinda like a delayed live interview... people post their questions and I respond. This interview will only accept submitted questions up to and including the 18th (Friday).

Please do visit the link to the interview, ask your questions and share the interview with anyone you feel might be interested.

I'm really excited and looking forward to being challenged by your questions, educated by your different views and insights, and to just communicate with the wide audience online.


Visit the Brummet's @:

