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World of Writing... Author Interview

I'm pleased to announce that we are hosting yet another World of Writing Author Interview :) Do feel free to use the little search box on the right hand side bar of this blog (using keywords like: interview, world of writing or writing, publishing, marketing) for all kinds of advice, resources and interviews that we have published over the years. 

Today we are featuring children's author John Roselli hailing from New York (US) who shows an incredibly strong sense of social responsibility. Mr. Roses, his pseudonym, writes about family, respect and honor. His aim is to educate and guide future generations down towards success. Through his "Children's Success" series and public appearances he teaches respect for others, respect for self and kindness to all. His greatest dream is to teach others that life’s potentials are available to all who dream and dare to chase those dreams.

Visit is site to find teacher's tools, learn about what to expect when inviting this author to visit the classroom and view the Mindset videos. You can also find him on Instagram

Q: Welcome John! You know, I was intrigued about your work as soon as I received your query to appear as a guest on our blog. Perhaps we should start with a little insight into who you are...  How do you think a good friend would describe you?

A: I think they'd say I am kind-hearted and caring... A person that's always looking for ways to help others whenever he can.

Q: Tell us a little about what your goals are and how do you plan to accomplish your goals... 

Skipp: Children's Success Series Vol. I by: Mr. Roses
A: My long-term goals are to influence the mindset of the future generation to be more positive and driven. I plan to do this by acting as a role model and by producing different tools/products that help set a given mindset.  In the short-term, I try to make a positive impact on everyone that I interact with day to day. Whether it be teaching them something, helping with something or simply just being a joyous person for them to feed off of.

Q: As a fairly young author in your late twenties, how do you determine or evaluate success? A: Success for me is defined as the progressive realization of a good idea. Everyone has their own unique interests and passions. I believe that in order to be a person of success, a person has to simply decide on what it is they want out of their life and continuously work towards its attainment. Once they begin moving towards the attainment of their unique idea, they are a person of success.

Q: What inspires you? 

A: Typically, what inspires me in others is their positivity, talent and imagination. Also, problems that need a solution inspire me as well as areas of efficiency and logic.

Q: What is your opinion of the world today? 

A: My opinion is that the world is a much better place than it was in the past. I believe that the main problems we face today are that most people are too distracted and not focused enough, that too many people thrive more off of hate then love.

Q: When you started your book did you plan to write it in a series, or did it just grow into one? 

A: I did plan to write it in a series. I wanted to teach 15 lessons on success that I believed were essential to learn. I also didn’t want to overwhelm the reader, so I decided to focus on 3 lessons at a time.

Pip: Children's Success Series Vol. I by: Mr. Roses
Q: What age group did you write for? 

A: Primarily, I aimed for 3rd grade students (ages 8-9). However, I have written the stories in a rhythmic writing style and with colourful graphics that appeal to younger kids as well. Also, the lessons contain adult concepts and si anyone can benefit from the lessons being taught.

Q: Why did you write for this particular age group? 

A: I learned these 15 lessons on success after college and they dramatically accelerated my career and quality of life. I then had the idea that I wish I learned these lessons sooner in life, which is why I created the series to target this age group.

Q: Did you find it difficult to choose the right language, images and writing style for reaching this age group? 

A: Not at all. I did some research before hand to see what the standards were for children books and graphic novels. Once I understood these boundaries, I outlined the lessons I wanted to teach and created fun stories around them. I particularly have a creative imagination so stories and design of the world came natural. Also writing in a rhythmic writing style seemed to work best for me and made me most interested in writing the stories.

Q: How do you plan to promote this book series? 

A: I have been traveling to schools doing author visits. I also have been visiting public spaces and interacting with the people. However, my main sources of promotion comes from my social media (@Mr.Roses_HR), I can be found on most social media platforms.

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