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Be Happier

Be Happier - By Stopping these things Now

* Today's contribution was submitted by: Carla C. Hugo, who specializes in coaching people who want to love their work, find peace with parenting, better health, happier relationships. Our readers are invited to connect with Carla at:

Sometimes the route to happiness depends upon what you don't do. You already know the outcome you desire, yet obstacles are in the way - namely, fear. Here's a list of things we all need to stop doing if we want to attain happiness:

1. Over-talking: The word SILENT has the same letters as the word LISTEN. When you become silent by speaking less, you will be present with others and learn more.

2. Rushing: Take time and show people what you mean, rather than raise your voice and yell or over-explain. One on one, shoulder to shoulder, be with the person who you need, and who needs you.

3. Eye-rolling: Eye rolling is a silent punch to the gut. You know how it feels when it happens to you. And yet, you have done it as well. Maybe even to your child! Let go of the eye roll and put compassion and love in your eyes. You will receive a much better response, and your understanding will make the recipient of your glance feel at ease.

4. Sighing: Conscious breathing is a great way to regain your sense of presence and restore calm. An expressive sigh, however, has the opposite effect. Sighing reinforces your level of discontent, and lets others know how upset you are. Let sighing go, and calmly breathe.

5. Seeking what's wrong: When you walk in to a room, restaurant, or theater, you can notice the seating is wrong, the lighting is wrong, people's attire is wrong. Or, you can shift your awareness and notice what is right! There is so much going on that's right - right here, right now! Notice it and allow the goodness to fill you up!

Pay attention to your daily activities and adopt just one of these tips for one full day. Choose a different step the following day and continue for 5 days in a row. Schedule reminders on your cell phone, or strategically place sticky notes around to remind yourself of the step you are taking that day. 

You will see the best of yourself emerge, as you let go of these traits. Taking action is the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you!


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