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Author Interview

World of Writing - Author Interview

David Stevens and I met through an online writer's group that meets on Tuesday evenings - his reading sessions to our group have always been a highlight to me. He has this voice that takes you back in time, that makes you really concentrate on the words and the lyrical, clear-cut beautiful insight of the human experience that he shares. I'm proud to have our online author friend, David Stevens, drop into our blog to discuss his experiences in the world of writing. 

Dr. David Stevens, pastor and marriage counsellor seems to have put his finger squarely on the "Fix-it" button of the stresses in marriages and relationships. He helps couples focus on the love that once flared, recall the laughter, excitement and ecstasy that thrilled their hearts in the early days. Dr. Stevens helps them understand each other's psyche; and with the understanding, develop compassion. Drop by his website anytime @:

Q: Can we please start off by having you share a little information about your published books?

A: All of my books centre around relationships and marriage.The book Falling Back In Love Again is concerned with causing the original flames of love to thrive and burn as brightly as maybe they ever once did. 

I am excited about my two latest books: Love And Marriage For A Lifetime, and
Parenting, Equipping Babies For A Lifetime.

I was recently nominated for the National Eric Hoffer Book Award and then placed out 
of thousands on the short list! The results are now in and I won an Honorable
Mention! This venture will take my new book, Love And Marriage For A Lifetimeinto another league! Thank God for opening another door!

Q: How long have you been writing?

A: Well, I just looked at my first book and it was dated 2000. So I guess that means I’ve been writing for about 22 years.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is interested in your topic?

A: I try to give practical advice based on a simple spiritual context.  ...My advice is simply to try it and see!

Q: I agree, David - so often we let the inner critic, the inner judge the inner saboteur mess with the possibilities, the opportunities that are right there waiting for us to do the work and make it happen. Just do it... don't hesitate, embrace the moment and go for it. Great advice. Who inspired you to pursue a career in writing?

A: I had an English teacher in college who seemed to take an interest in the papers that I had to write. Her loving interest was altogether different from my previous instructor who I thought wanted to bury me. His grading system was so excruciating I just wanted to quit. But that next semester saved my interest in writing.

Q: How does writing help you make a difference in the world?

A: Well, once I discovered the knowledge and understanding about marriage principles I wanted to share it with our world.

Q: And that you do have to share! I'm often impressed by the readings you share in the group. What gave you the idea, the inspiration for your books?

A: The books grew out of my accumulation of knowledge and an interest in helping other people. Also, I learned a lot while counselling couples.

Q: What can you tell me about your involvement in this writers’ group? 

A: Yes, I’ve been a part of Martha Tucker’s Urban Writers for at least 20 or 21

Q: That is a long time! What inspires you?

I would have to say, God’s spirit motivates and energizes me. Working over the
years with so many couples, and listening to their difficulties has made me want
to reach out to our world with guidance, solutions, the answers. I don’t have the
answer to every problem, but I want to share those that I have.


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  1. Thank you David Stevens for dropping by to share your experiences !


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