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blogger interview

Blogger Interview

A. A. Fouch is a poet and writer born and raised in Washington, currently living in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (USA). She has never been one to be tied down! Her writing interests include children's literature, picture-books, (including her published work, Gently, Bentley!), high fantasy, sci-fi, and accessible academic writing. When she is not writing, you will find her teaching in various capacities to all ages, including art, nutrition, and dance. She is an avid fan of C.S. Lewis, podcasts, and chocolate. She also runs a fabulous blog that we'll be discussing today. Visit her @: - & - drop by her blog @:

Q: When did you get the idea to launch your own blog? 

A: The blog I run currently was established in 2019. However, I have been blogging since I was about 14 years old, merely for the love of it and because I connected with my real-life friends through our blogs. 

As I developed as a writer, I found I needed a place for my writing that was too long for Twitter and too short to print. While social media has its place, I still prefer to receive people’s writing via email and blog form, simply because my ADD brain can focus on one thing without scrolling off into infinity. A blog feels like a little “home” made on the internet, and I wanted to create that space for myself and my readers. 

Q: Why does this blog matter to you?

A: In a world where so many social media sites are driven by comments, I appreciate the fact that my blog is a place where people can read my work and I am not checking every five seconds to see if it has any “likes,” which can be tempting to the most social media resistant soul. It also encourages people to sit with the text for themselves instead of reading comments to see what other people thought of the content. It helps me and my readers to slow down in a frenzied world. On a blog, there is much less pressure from the community or from myself to appear “popular.” 

Q: What is your favorite task involved with your blog?

A: I love that blog posts require a longer form of writing! I am fairly disciplined on Twitter and engage with the writing community there frequently, but I sometimes fall into that habit of writer’s procrastination when it comes to longer projects. Having a blog forces me to sit down with an idea that I have and actually work on my voice and my craft. When I stumble upon a theme or a lesson in life, I become so excited to share it with my readers! 

Q: What kind of theme do you use on your blog ?

A: As a child, my favorite color was turquoise, and that hasn’t changed much. Turquoise as a color represents wholeness, creativity, tranquility, and balance, all things that I strive for in my life and in my writing. I have always been partial to birds as well, they are such poetic little creatures that we often take for granted. They are wondrous, delicate creatures. I’m always comforted by the fact that if God watches over the sparrows, he watches over me as well. I always knew birds would be a part of my writer's world, but I was so happy to be able to incorporate them into my brand. 

Q: Did you have someone help you design the blog?

A: I designed my blog myself using mostly Canva. Even though I wouldn’t call myself a graphic artist by any means, I played around with a lot of graphics in high school which has served me well in many areas of my life! I always tell my students that if they have a constructive hobby, they might be very surprised to find out how it helps them down the road!

Q: How do you manage content?

A: I had taken a sabbatical from blogging this past year since we had moved out of state, I was finishing up my English degree, and then I took up several jobs. My upcoming blog routine will be a rotation of reflections on daily life, poetry, short stories, and artist interviews. I also have some special things reserved for those who subscribe to my email list such as music playlists, media recommendations, and book reviews. 

Q: How much time do you dedicate to your blog?

A: I usually set aside 3-5 hours per month for my newsletter and my monthly post. This can fluctuate a bit since some posts (such as short stories) require more attention. I find that setting an appointment with myself is the best way to actually finish my work on time! I am also a part of a writers group in which we all have deadlines for each other, which helps keep me on track!


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  1. Thank you A. A. Fouch for dropping by to share your experiences !


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