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Author Interview

Adventurer on all dimensions & author of numerous books, Monty Ritchings has traveled across the globe & spent more than 30 years studying the mystical arts, energetic healing, emotional and core belief work. His work focuses on personal empowerment & helping his readers discover & own their own truth.
Monty invites you to drop by his sites:

World of Writing - Author Interview

Q: Welcome to our blog, Monty ! Why don't we start by having you tell us something about yourself?

A: I have always been a traveler. I often make a joke of it that my father hated
washing floors, so we moved instead. My life has always involved motion;
either driving big trucks or in traveling sales. Although I have been married
and have kids and grandkids, the adventure continues now into books.
Traveling the Cosmos in search of answers. I am a big picture person; I
want to know my truth; and help others find theirs.

Q: Did you choose writing as a profession, or did it choose you?

A: I was dating a lady by the name of Eva back in 2006. We loved having great conversations about aspects of personal growth. One day, when I walked into her kitchen, she sat me down at the kitchen table. Placing a pad of paper and a pen in front of me, she informed me I was going to write a book. Six months later, the original edition of Embracing The Blend was born.

In 2021, I was in a consulting meeting with my intuitive coach, Cheryl Brewster, when this female voice started ragging on me in my head. After I finished with Cheryl, I went inside and asked this voice what was so important. She told me to get on the computer, I was going to write a book called “The Ascenders Return To Grace.” Book 3 is now completed in this series.

I would have to say writing chose me.

"At no other time in the existence of mankind on earth
has it been more important for each of us to discover
and walk in our own truth,
for if we choose not to be true to ourselves,
we give our lives over to others who do not care."

~ Monty Ritchings

Q: What are common mistakes authors make?

A: Instead of demanding perfection, just let the story flow, then edit it later. When
it flows, you fall in love with the story.

Q: What are your greatest obstacles and motivators when it comes to writing?

A: Time is definitely the biggest obstacle. The outside world is very demanding. The other immense obstacle is believing you can actually write and publish a book.

The only motivator I know of in writing is the need to get this information out of one’s head no matter if it is fiction or non-fiction.


Q: What is your favorite memory in your career as a writer?

A: It was in 2007 when I received the first box of Embracing The Blend books. It felt the same as the days when my kids were born.

Q: How do you feel about your publishing journey so far?

A: Nerve wracking to say the least. I treasure the fact that I have written and published 8 books so far and two more, at least, are in the offing. Like many writers though, I really wish I could just focus on writing and leave the after publish work to someone else. I already know how to speak English. Why does it seem that I need to learn Greek?

Q: Why did you decide to write?

A: In this current time, I see people struggling with trying to make sense of the world around us. The old rules don’t seem to work anymore but neither do the new ones. In my offerings, both in fiction and non-fiction I offer concepts and tools to help people understand how our minds work and how the rules our minds have incorporated to make our lives function really operate and how we can change them to how we want our lives to express. That way, we can each make our own rules.

Q: Where did you find all the sources for your research?

A: Although I studied psychology and human development in college, they only got the fire burning. My sources are from the study of mysticism. I draw my source information from my studies as a member of The Rosicrucian Order AMORC plus studying through authors such as Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay and such. Plus, being an intuitive, I can read people’s energy fields which gives me information about their struggle. I have also studied and practice several intuitive healing modalities.

Q: Are you happy and satisfied with your publishing experiences?

A: I have been a student of the Self-publishing School since 2021. The jury is still out for me regarding self-publishing versus any other kind of publishing. It seems that no matter which route you choose, it is still up to you to do the bulk of the work. I think hybrid and traditional can produce a better final product, but the after-publishing work is still up to the author, albeit with more hands-on guidance.

Q: Any special memories from your writing journey so far that you would like to share?

A: It felt as if I channeled The Ascenders; I loved the process. At the time of writing, I was driving truck for a big nursery. Every time they would send me to Vancouver Island, I would rush upstairs on the ferry. I couldn’t wait to get my computer going so I could find out what would happen next in the story. It was so much fun. I still love getting a paper copy and opening it to any page just to read a bit of the story that evolved through me.

Q: Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?

A: I still have a few more books in me waiting to come out. The important thing for me though, is not the writing. It is the message. No matter which book of mine the reader is enjoying, my desire is to help people empower themselves, to learn and know their own truth and to help others do the same.


  1. Thank you, Monty, for dropping in for this interesting discussion about your experiences in the world of writing !


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