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In the Media

Small talk is often irritating because it just doesn't mean anything. No one is enlightened. Nothing has changed. It feels like wasted time...

I thrive on deep conversations, drilling into emotional territory, striving to understand, breaking my own mental barriers and habitual reactions. I was having a deep conversation with Gary and Kiki Towne recently when Gary asked us if we knew what a Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset was.  He soon enlightened us with their definition:

A Fixed Mindset varies from person to person but basically the mindset is one where the individual sees their situation, mental capacity, education, impact, etc is fixed - it will never change, they will never move from that spot, that mind set, that career or that relationship. 

A Growth Mindset is open to change, is ready to be proved wrong, to make mistakes to gain clarification and understanding. This mindset leads to awareness, conscious action, and striving to create a positive impact. 

There are times that a person might swing from one mindset to another due to circumstances, but there are people that are stuck in the Fixed Mindset, who will not accept anything else. 

A few days after he explained this to us, I began contemplating the various implications of what that meant. It is really amazing, when one thinks about it, that in this one moment of conversation a seed was planted for future contemplation. 

I speak of this because this next resource (below) offers a very deep conversation about being a warrior who feels the fear, steps into it and does it anyway. The warrior that faces the the Inner Judge, the Fixed or Victim Mindset and their personal Belief System.  

Stephanie Bendetto of The Awakened Business invited me to be her Wildspire Podcast guest - which we recorded over a year ago and was published in late August. This recording happened when I was still recovering from a TIA (mild heart attack) that left a tale-tell sign: one side of my face was a bit numb and my mouth was not straight. That has since healed to be barely noticeable, thank goodness, but watching it on Youtube, ....well I noticed it and realized how much healing has been done since then. :) 

She and I had one heck of a deep discussion (no small talk here) that I am so proud to share with you today. Stephanie has this super calm, thoughtful presence... she really probed deep into the topics and had these incredibly deep responses. I had forgotten entirely about this discussion, except that it was enjoyable. Upon watching it on Apple Podcast and then on YouTube, I was really moved by all that we covered. 

Please do watch it, or give it a listen, as it could have a profound impact on your life:


