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Global Bird Weekend

Today, communities across the globe are celebrating this phenomenal International event:

There are a hundred-thousand or more organizations across the planet that are hosting festivals, education and awareness events, webinars, seminars and fundraisers. 

There are literally thousands and thousands of ways you can participate: 

  • Submitting bird-themed poetry and articles to their publications.

  • Subscribing to their podcasts, channels or newsletters.

  • Become a member of their organization.

  • Share posts about the organization's activities on your Socials (FaceBook, etc.)

  • Attend the organization's tours and other events.

  • Enter the photo contests.

  • Record bird sounds.

  • Join in the numerous citizen science projects available to you through these organizations.

  • Donate to, or volunteer with, your local nature conservation organization.

  • Discover ways to make green spaces, decks and balconies more sustainable and friendly for bees, butterflies, & birds. 

  • Browse the sites below to access pages and pages of resources, find other organizations or send the organizers a quick note of appreciation for their efforts to make the world a better place. A kind word goes a long way in helping to motivate and inspire those that work so selflessly for these organizations.

*Citizen Science helps connect science projects with nature enthusiasts who can provide valuable information such as participating in bird or butterfly counts (observing and counting what you see on a specific day or specific weekend so that they can compare your count with others that were taken during that same time frame). 

More information can be found here:


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