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Showing posts from February, 2025

Quote of the day

"Theres so much humanity  In a love of trees  So much nostalgia  for our first sense of wonder So much power  In just feeling our own insignificance  When we are surrounded by nature." ~  Muriel Barbery ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~

Finding Networking Contacts

Finding networking contacts is rarely an issue. There are potentially hundreds of connections to be found in your: personal address book social network contacts  email addresses business cards in the junk drawer friend of a friend your children's friends & teachers or group organizers your children's friends' parents interviews you were impressed by, reach out to them or leave a comment local employment and small business centres, advisory groups, workshops and networking events Find a reason to open the communication with them: "You came to service my hot water tank last year and I kept your card so that I could refer you to our connections. I've sent a few your way already. I just wanted to reach out to express my appreciation and also to let you know that I have started a business. It is called Brummet Media Group, which involves drum teaching/repairs, managing 2 blogs and a youtube channel, and we also have 9 books available so far on Amazon. If you know of...

In the media

Donna Sundblad featured me (Lillian Brummet)  on Jan 6th  for a 2-part discussion  about: The Art of Evolving Books  & Building Reader Engagement  Check out part 2 of this discussion @: ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~  

World of Writing - Author Interview

World of Writing - Author Interview Today we are featuring an interview with Mark Tierno, a " full-time writer " he explains, " with a Masters in Physics, the soul of a  poet, and possessed with a unique descriptive voice ." The result became numerous books in fantasy, Sci-Fi, cyberpunk... weaving words into the creation of alien vistas,  deeply woven plots, characters with distinctive  personalities, and dynamic and realistic dialogue. Mark invites our readers to drop into his Website ( ) or visit him on LinkedIn (  ). His current, & upcoming, books can be found on his Author Central Page ( ) Q: Tell us a bit about your passions in life? A: Pretty much writing… and of course reading.  I mean, to love what you write, you have to love what you read.  And you should never t...

Recommended Resources

The  Recommended Resources  series has been published for over 2 decades.  With this series, Dave and I have the pleasure of sharing some great resources which can include:  - positive impact organizations and events - citizen science projects  It would, of course, be fantastic if you see a way to: thank them for their work network with them share the sites  get involved in some way ** Want to see a non-profit listed here?   Send us a message  on  FaceBook  ( )  or  LinkedIn  ( ) -- Running Rabbit Farm is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming displaced pet rabbits. They also run a sanctuary for any unwanted pet rabbits.    Info : -- Ryan's Rescue Society is dedicated to rescuing animals, caring for them until they find forever homes.    Info :

In the media

Donna Sundblad featured me (Lillian Brummet) for a deep discussion on: The Art of Evolving Books  & Building Reader Engagement   Check it out @: ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~  

Poetry Time

Poetry Time This monthly series began more than a decade ago in an effort to encourage the joys of poetry. Here we celebrate other poet's work, as well as our own. If you would like to submit, simply visit the ABOUT page for guidelines & contact information. Double-locked Vaults I felt myself Thinking and feeling Thoughts of doors Long closed And sealed by Double-locked Vaults. Emotional Vertigo Swayed my mind Yet once adjusted  A side of myself Was revealed And I Understood. © Lillian Brummet, 2008 * This poem was written in the summer of 2008 about the journey of healing from old wounds, coming to a place of peace with the past & discovering I had grown in the process.  It was published in   Rhythm & Rhyme,  the 2nd book of our Playing With Words series.   Rhythm & Rhyme , 2nd book in the  Playing With Words poetry series, takes readers through caregiving, recovery, loss, joys, & finding solace in music & nature.  Ride...

Quote of the day

"May your trails be crooked,  Winding,  Lonesome,  Dangerous... Leading to the most amazing view.  May your mountains rise  Into and above the clouds. " ~ Edward Abby ~~~     Follow us & find our Books:   on Amazon Visit:   Drum It With Brummet Blog Subscribe:   Brummet Media​ YouTube Channel​  ​ ~~~  

Book Review

BOOK REVIEW - Windwalker -   By Donna Sundblad   The first try at reading this book left me feeling a bit confused. I found myself skipping ahead, hoping that the story line would become clear. Realizing I may be tired or affected by some pain medication I had taken, I decided to set it aside and come back to it another time. The thing is, the cover design is simply fantastic; it had me intrigued as soon as I saw it. I also recently read another book by this author that I got absolutely lost in, and so I really did have incentive to understand and fully enjoy this book. I had some time the following day to drop into Amazon to browse the book description and then read the book's intro page again to get some clarity before I gave it another try.  Upon the next reading, I was able to let the book take me on the journey. The author certainly knows how to capture the reader. The first few paragraphs were particularly well written, absorbing and teasing the reader into th...

Understanding Networking, part 2

Understanding Networking, (part 2) *** Check out Part 1 of this discussion, published on Feb 5th. Networking means you need to have something to offer. Will you include their name in your ad?  Can you feature some aspect of their business activities, policies or community projects on your e-bulletin?  Are you able to partner with them for a special sale, or get your staff together for a volunteer activity?  Can you collaborate on a community fundraiser?  How might you distribute each other's coupons or send referrals to each other?  Will you refer customers to them? Can you offer them great resources, for no other reason than to just help them out? Can you introduce them to someone on your contact list? Perhaps you can be a mentor, provide advice, offer services, discounts to their staff, coupon exchanges.  Can you hold sales on the same day, referring customers to the other store's bargains? Can you collaborate on events? Can you collaborate on sharing ad ...

Recommended Resources

The  Recommended Resources  series has been published for over 2 decades.  With this series, Dave and I have the pleasure of sharing some great resources which can include:   - positive impact organizations and events - citizen science projects  - links to helpful articles, amazing resources & exciting interviews It would, of course, be fantastic if you see a way to: thank them for their work network with them share the sites  get involved in some way ** Want to see a non-profit listed here?   Send us a message  on  FaceBook  ( )  or  LinkedIn  ( ) -- The Rouge Valley Conservation Centre is located in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) in the Rouge Park , the largest urban park in North America. The Centre focuses on environmental restoration, monitoring and research and offers interpretive walks and educational programs for the general public, school and community gr...