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Finding Networking Contacts

Finding networking contacts is rarely an issue.

There are potentially hundreds of connections to be found in your:

  • personal address book

  • social network contacts 

  • email addresses

  • business cards in the junk drawer

  • friend of a friend

  • your children's friends & teachers or group organizers

  • your children's friends' parents

  • interviews you were impressed by, reach out to them or leave a comment

  • local employment and small business centres, advisory groups, workshops and networking events

Find a reason to open the communication with them:

"You came to service my hot water tank last year and I kept your card so that I could refer you to our connections. I've sent a few your way already. I just wanted to reach out to express my appreciation and also to let you know that I have started a business. It is called Brummet Media Group, which involves drum teaching/repairs, managing 2 blogs and a youtube channel, and we also have 9 books available so far on Amazon. If you know of anyone that might be interested in what we offer, please do recommend our link (below) to them." 


"Your name came up during a discussion with my daughter and I just had to reach out and let you know how much we both appreciate you. We both recalled the time when you spilled the wine on the table after the puppy bumped into you. It was so funny then - remember how we all laughed? ... and we laugh about it still. Here, things have been crazy busy as we relaunch our business website and revamp our services to streamline everything before we release the next 2 books. Just in case you happen to know of anyone that might be interested in what we offer, please do recommend our link (below) to them." 


"I was reading your interview on the Book Hookup Blog and was really impressed when you shared your experiences with promotional activities. I happen to run a blog that occasionally publishes interviews, articles and poetry... if you are interested, please feel free to let me know. There's no charge, of course. Or if you happen to know of anyone that might be interested in what we offer, please do recommend our link (below) to them." 


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