- Windwalker -
By Donna Sundblad
The first try at reading this book left me feeling a bit confused. I found myself skipping ahead, hoping that the story line would become clear. Realizing I may be tired or affected by some pain medication I had taken, I decided to set it aside and come back to it another time.
The thing is, the cover design is simply fantastic; it had me intrigued as soon as I saw it. I also recently read another book by this author that I got absolutely lost in, and so I really did have incentive to understand and fully enjoy this book.
I had some time the following day to drop into Amazon to browse the book description and then read the book's intro page again to get some clarity before I gave it another try. Upon the next reading, I was able to let the book take me on the journey.
The author certainly knows how to capture the reader. The first few paragraphs were particularly well written, absorbing and teasing the reader into this new world. I could easily visualize the warm, glowing cave and the flickering light illuminating the faces looking up in anticipation at the storyteller.
The author introduces a lot of characters right away, which can easily confuse a reader. The confusion could be avoided by adding chapter headings that hinted at the location, time frame, or whether it involved either the Stygian or Jonnick people.
Windwalker is a science-fiction fantasy novel that takes the reader on a journey through a culture-clashing era. The Stygian people believe strongly in the shaman-link visions and an ancient prophecy. It foretold of an alien people that would come in desperate need of aid. These people would bring challenges, but also bring much tragedy.
Riddled with disease the starving Jonnick arrive. Power struggles widen divisions between the two cultures, and conflicts arise causing people on both sides to commit atrocities. Yet there are hints of hope that the two cultures will eventually unite in a mutually beneficial way.
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