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Global warming, inspirational quote

-- Transportation & Global Warming --

Transportation pollution is a huge contributor to global warming and also directly affects our health as well. Businesses are stepping up and doing their part to help reduce this impact. For instance, according to the Zero Footprint newsletter, (, Air Canada and Zerofootprint have teamed up to launch a new Corporate Carbon Offset program, which enables Air Canada’s corporate clients to offset the emissions from their flights. Businesses get the opportunity to support projects that are helping to reduce climate change, and simultaneously achieve environmental and corporate social responsibility goals.

-- Quote of the Day --

“…Compassion: in any character whether it is someone who has done something untoward or a character who you are rooting for. the best books that I enjoy, you understand why, what their motivations are. I think like anyone, your friends or family or anyone that you know, once you understand even more of them you can have compassion for them. …Compassion for that persons situation, what brought them there and how they came to be about their current situation in life…” ~ Karen Harrington 03/30/08

The quote above was taken from an interview we did with Karen Harrington on the Conscious Discussions talk radio show on March 30, 2008. During this interview we discussed Karen's amazing efforts to help families that are on the run. She had a beautiful and inspiring tale to share and I encourage you to visit the Conscious Discussions radio show to hear the entire interview, at your convenience.

Archived interviews are listed according to the month that they aired in & can be found on the right side of the Conscious Discussions website, under the list of links.

To access this interview simply click on the hyperlinked show title here in the blog or you can click on the image below:
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