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Simplify, Green & Write Your Way to Bliss

-- Quote of the Day --
Re: Emotion
"The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity. We have a tendency it seems to over complicate our lives and forget what's important and what's not. We tend to mistake movement for achievement. We tend to focus on activities instead of results. And as the pace of life continues to race along in the outside world, we forget that we have the power to control our lives regardless of what's going on outside."
~ Robert Stuberg

-- Interviews with Lillian --

I was invited to appear on the Toboa radio show on March 26th with host, Guy Chapman, which I believe airs around 7:00 PM (Pacific):
"Toboa Radio is operated via the Toboa Energy Resources LLC - a renewable energy company with focus on private and commercial electric power resources through the application of wind and solar power. As a provider of wind generator and solar systems, Toboa Energy Resources can outfit your farm, home, or business to become less grid energy dependent. Toboa provides system modeling, selection help, site planning and a wide range of unique wind and solar products. Our goal is to help others by empowering the right of life, liberty, and self determination through self reliance and personal awareness." -
A Writers Journal staff member, Jen Nipps, interviewed Lillian for an advice piece she is doing that focuses on the techniques involved in writing non-fiction, how-to articles. We are not sure when this will be released but are honored to play a small role in this.

-- Why 4 Parts in Trash Talk ? --

I was asked by a reader of our book, Trash Talk, why we chose to divide the book into 4 parts - which I thought was a good question and wanted to share my response here as well.

Part 1 covers Reuse actions that see trash as a resource – we list items commonly found in the trash or recycling bin, list them alphabetically and show reuse ideas for them. Part 2 covers alternative products and activities like organic gardening and water conservation. Part 3 is devoted to every aspect of trees, planting and growing them, and many of the products derived from trees are discussed here as well. Part 4 offers inspiring information and offers hope for this planet. It also shares more than 140 resources. Currently avail as a paperback book for anywhere between $17 and $24 (US), depending on where you go. Personally - I have a preference for our local smaller book store or the Barnes & Nobles online bookstore.

-- Conscious Discussions Radio Show --
Today's guest was unable to make it in so the host, Lillian Brummet, shared positive eco-news that will give listeners hope for the planet. Click on the hyper-linked show title here or look to the right for the link to the Conscious Discussions show.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
