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Gardening & Publicity for Writers

-- Quote of the Day --

“I don’t have a website, and the fact that I have done this successfully for over 13 years really shows you the power of the word of mouth. …Depending on what genre you are writing in, this is the key target for you to focus on when looking at a publicist. …When you are interviewing a publicist one of the key things you should ask is the genre they specialize in. …We are all aware that we are all in this together and we do want to create a good impression in the community. …(Publicists) understand that you have to put forward a lot of money after releasing a book, we know it can take years and it can cost thousands of dollars, and we want to make that journey as easy as we can. …If you really love something - just go for it. …Don’t let the fact that there are millions of other books on your subject daunt you. …I don’t think that a lot of authors are writing books waiting to become a millionaire and waiting to become famous …I think that they really want to get their message out there – I really feel that they have a lot to share with the world and just to get some visibility to get their word out there can be really fulfilling. ”

~ Isabella Michon – July 23, 2009

Today's quote was taken from an interview with Isabella Michon that aired on July 23, 2009 via the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show. In this interview we took a realistic view into what it takes for an author to build momentum in the interest out there for their work. We learned that it isn't as easy as it looks from the outside, how expensive it can be - especially when the author becomes involved with "sharks" in the industry. We learned how to look more positively at the marketing aspect of this career and publicists in general. Check it out by clicking on the hyper-links here or look to the right side of this page for links to Conscious Discussions.

-- Home Vegetable Gardening - Recycling Food Waste --
* Article Source:

San Francisco, California recently enacted a law where people will put their food scraps in a red container and have that container picked up by the local municipality waste collection department. The idea is to separate the food waste from other garbage so the food wastes can be recycled into compost.

While the concept of what they are doing is a noble one, the cost to do it makes no sense whatsoever. The reason being is the fuel used to power the trucks to pick up the food waste is a far much more expenditure than the resulting compost that can be produced.

A better solution to recycling food waste into useable compost is the one I am about to outline here in this article. It requires little effort on your part and absolutely no cost in fuel and transportation. The best part is the ecosystem does all of the work for you.

Every person in North America creates some kind of food waste. Obviously the larger family you have the more likely you are going to create a larger amount of waste. Most people do one of two things with that food waste. They either flush down their sink via the means of a garbage disposal, or they simply throw it in the regular trash. Both methods are wasting what could be the best fertilizer for your soil.

When food waste is broken down by bacteria and other living organisms the result is compost. This compost, when added to your soil, increases the amount micro and macro nutrients required to grow strong and healthy plants.

The food recycle method I am about to describe is what I call the lazy person's method. Why? Because it requires no "real" physical activity on your part. Here is how it is done.

Get yourself a container of some sort, I like to use a large Tupperware bowl. This is the container where you will putt all of your food scraps. Any food waste that would normally go into the trash or down the sink will now go into this container.

What goes into the container? Left over dinner, shredded newspaper, cotton clothing with plastic and metal pieces removed, coffee grinds and filters, tea bags and so on. What does not go into the container? Chicken or steaks bones, aluminum foil, plastics, laminated paper etc.

Now that your container is full what do you do with it? Grab yourself a shovel, go to your backyard and dig a hole about 18 inches deep. Then pour the contents of your container into that hole and then cover with the dirt. You have just now recycled your food waste. From this point forward the ecosystem that lives underneath your soil will take over. Worms, bacteria and other organisms will break this down for you and turn it into compost.

That's it! You just recycle your food waste and didn't have to pay someone to haul it away. Just remember to mark the spot where you buried the food waste and do not dig in that same spot within 60 days.

I have been using this method my entire life, first helping my dad with his garden and now with my own and the results to my vegetable gardening have been incredible and I know yours will too. Watch as you continue to use this method as the volume of your soil will actually increase!

About the Author
Michael (Mike) Podlesny is the author of the book Vegetable Gardening for the Average Person. Visit where you can sign up for his free newsletter and he will send you a pack of vegetable seeds to get your home vegetable garden started.

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