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Positive News of the Day :)

-- Quote of the Day --
“Without passion, you don’t have energy – without energy you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.”
~ Donald Trump

-- Blog Action Day --

In celebration of Blog Action Day (Oct 15) the and Brighter Planet organizations have put out a call to green bloggers to help spread the word about their upcoming initiatives. Blog Action Day. In honor of this I have selected this excerpt from the announcement for their latest initiative:

"Leaders... are not planning to do enough to to avert the climate crisis. But we can change that -- with one number, and one day. The number is 350, and it's now the most important number on the planet. 350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, measured in parts per million. Since we're at 390 ppm now, it's a tough number, and getting back to it will require remarkable efforts. The good news is that people all around the world are mobilizing around 350 in a unique and beautiful movement to solve the climate crisis. On Oct 24th, the International Day of Climate Action, people from over 150 nations will come together in creative climate actions to take a stand for 350 and a safe climate future. All of this is designed to drive the 350 message into the human imagination -- and help our leaders realize we need a real solution that pays attention to the science. Today - Blog Action Day - thousands of bloggers will be doing what they do best; spreading vital information to every corner of the planet, efficiently and passionately."

As many of our blog readers are already aware, Brummet's Conscious Blog has been actively sharing environmentally conscious information since the day it began. I encourage readers to scroll through the archived posts here in this blog to find resources, tips, real-life stories and examples of the growing conscious movement across the globe.

And if you have time, I encourage you to scroll through the archived interviews we have had with amazing individuals from across this planet on the Conscious Discussions radio show, where you can download to your favorite listening device, subscribe via itunes or simply listen to the show you are interested in via your computer.

All of this is available for free, so please be sure to share the posts or interviews that you enjoy with your friends.

-- Conscious Discussions Radio --

Lynn Colwell will be our featured guest today at 10 AM (pacific) on the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show to discuss Greening Events. Lynn is the co-creator of Green Halloween® - and have a mission to “change the world one celebration at a time”. For many years, Lynn was in public relations and corporate communications and for the last three years, was a life coach with clients around the U.S. and Canada. Today, Lynn will be sharing their experiences in helping others to green celebrations at home, in their offices, at schools and everywhere in life through their book, blog and organization. Come join us live and drop in to the chat room to interact if you like - or access the archived interview at your convenience... Simply click on the links above, or to your right to access this interview, or any other episode.

Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at
