-- Quote of the Day --
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
~ Mark Caine
-- Alternative Energy --
Wind power definitely holds promise as one of the leading alternative energies being employed across the globe. There have been all kinds of innovations from learning how high they should be, what color they need to be, and how fast the blades turn - in order to have a safe co-existence with flying creatures and the voracious human need for land. Just recently I learned of a wind turbine that can fold as much as 90 degrees - preventing damage from strong winds, such as typhoons. A few weeks ago I had a discussion with an inventor on our radio show who was saying that this kind of damage, depending on the area, might be prevented with redesigning the shape of the blade, and having it automatically turn sideways, rather than facing a strong wind.
-- Did You Know?? --
Did you know that a single toad can eat up to 1000 insects per day?
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