-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --
Self-Employment, Self-sufficiency… these are lovely terms that many of us dream will come true for us. There are a lot of people out there with some fantastic business ideas, services and products – some of these could really make a positive difference in society or help improve the health of the planet in some way. Others might have inventions – perhaps someone has an emergency mechanism to minimize or eliminate ocean oil extraction issues… but we feel too small, to inadequate, too inexperienced to take the leap. Or perhaps we are ready to take the leap personally, but are just not prepared financially or don’t have a realistic plan to follow. Without all of these things in place, we cannot hope to reach our dream – and today’s guest is here to show us how we can do this. We have with us a Victor Kwegyir: a UK-based business consultant, business motivational speaker and the author of The Business You Can Start: Spotting The Greatest Opportunities in the Economic Downturn.
Join us live @ 10-11 AM (pacific) and drop in the live chat room, too, if you have the chance. Otherwise catch the archived interview at your convenience:
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